Where someone types his thoughts out on a computer. Again.
I hate Demomen. I HATE Demomen. With a capital HATE.

I have nothing against the black, scottish cyclops himself (or indeed, any black scottish people anywhere).The character makes me laugh out loud ("Bloody brilliant!" he spouts after blowing me up for the fifth time).

I hate the fact that everyone but me is good with him.

Every other Demoman, mostly on the enemy team, has what can only be described as skills. They litter the area with stickies to murder your ass before you walk out the spawn point, they can destroy Sentries in the blink of an eye, and they make capturing a point virtually impossible. This is all well and good, and kudos to them for mastering such a tricky class, but it really sucks when, in Dustbowl, the entire team of jerkwads spawn camp and put sentries and stickies down, then laugh as the reds die again and again, until one non-jerk spy caps the control point, wondering what all the fuss is about. Goddamn it, you could at least have the courtesy to attempt to go capture it, rather than stand there and yell "Kaboom" over and over again. The smiley face isn't funny any more. Stop it.

And how did we get into that position? Because there's at least three good Demomen on that team, who just happen to be jerks.

Good Demomen are skilled. They need to learn to aim for toffee, because the grenades aren't going to corteously fly to their targets. They've got to have a damn A-level in Physics to be effective with the bog-standard Grenade Launcher. They're not good at running away, but a good Demoman won't have to run away if he knows how to use his weapons. Sadly, I was brought up on Metroid Prime, Halo and Timesplitters Future Perfect, where either the lasers are too big and fat to require much aiming, or, in Metroid Prime's case, you don't need to aim, and it's a question of dodging and resilience, which you'll win most of the time, so aiming isn't my strong point. Being on the console version doesn't help, but I'd rather that game's easier access than the freaking "Let's put the commands everywhere on the keyboard to piss the user off" PC philosphy. My computer can't run TF2, anyway, so shut up.

So when I play Demoman, it's less of a question of doing my job, and seeing if I can kill at least one person before I cop it. Most of the time, no. So, playing mostly as every other class, I now foster a hate for Demomen.

My biggest issue is the class' arsenal, or te redundancy of it. The Sticky Launcher does everything the Grenade Launcher does, but better, which is stupid. It's his secondary weapon, for Pete's sake! Does it look like you can hold 40-something grenades in there? He just pulls a lever to magic new ones in! He can shoot it as far as he wants! It needs fixing, because right now, there's no need for the Grenade Launcher.

There are several ways to fix it. Lowering the clip size, making the Grenade Launcher more powerful or have more ammo, lowering the amount of stickies a single Demoman can have out, etc. I'd go for the last one, because you only need about two grenades to kill someone as it is, so eight is overkill.

I doubt Valve will read this, but hopefully, when the Demoman unlocks come around, something will be done to make me, and probably others, hate the Demoman less. Untill then, I'll just have to put up with all the kaboom.

Oh, and as for "I Has a Medic" syndrome? Goes like this:
  1. Play as Medic.
  2. Find Soldier or Heavy.
  3. Buff him.
  4. Watch as, whilst still healing, Soldier/Heavy attempts to deal with Level Three Sentry being babysat by Engineer.
  5. Watch as said Soldier/Heavy dies.
  6. Run off to find someone who isn't as stupid, ignoring hopeful cries of Medic from respawned moron/offer self to enemy Pyro as an atonement for failing in your Medicly duties.
Please, don't be stupid. Play as you would normally, then charge in when you get an uber. Not before.

on Jun 22, 2008

I was a bit confused about your article until I found out you actually play the console version of the game.

I play the PC version of the game, and as you probably already know our version has been patched ALOT more than your console version has (which isn't Valve's fault, its the stringent requirements Microsoft and Sony impose on updates to games on their system).

The demoman plays a little differently on the current PC version. He (along with the Soldier) recieved subsequent ammo nerfs in that their reserves were much smaller (the soldier can only fire 3 volleys for example before needing to find a source of ammo - can't give you exact numbers because patch notes aren't working for some reason atm). You can't afford to mindlessly waste ammo, and have to play more carefully. Coupled with the small nerf to the sticky launcher (there was a slight delay added to the time it took to detonate them) and you find that the more skilled demoman players value both weapons equally, as both perform admirably in their own suited situations.

I guess the fact that we can twitch-aim so much better on the PC version means that the default grenade launcher is subsequently easier to aim because we can set our desired trajectory in an instant.

The demoman used to be a dominant class along with the Soldier (and there was a time when the majority of an offensive force would be a mix of Soldiers and Demomen) but since they both recieved their subsequent nerfs (with the Soldier getting an additional one in the latest update by losing his 40% resistance to his own rockets unless he is rocket jumping) and are now balanced and fair classes.

You should really look into getting the PC version of TF2, its SOOOO much better.


on Jun 22, 2008

[quote who="Phazon88" comment="1"]

I was a bit confused about your article until I found out you actually play the console version of the game.


Huzzah! 5-degree chunks of circular motion for all!

I play the PC version of the game, and as you probably already know our version has been patched ALOT more than your console version has (which isn't Valve's fault, its the stringent requirements Microsoft and Sony impose on updates to games on their system).

Indeed. In fact, I often wondered why we weren't getting any patches. The unlocks and stuff would have been fantastic. Damn you, Microsoft.

The demoman plays a little differently on the current PC version. He (along with the Soldier) recieved subsequent ammo nerfs in that their reserves were much smaller (the soldier can only fire 3 volleys for example before needing to find a source of ammo - can't give you exact numbers because patch notes aren't working for some reason atm). You can't afford to mindlessly waste ammo, and have to play more carefully. Coupled with the small nerf to the sticky launcher (there was a slight delay added to the time it took to detonate them) and you find that the more skilled demoman players value both weapons equally, as both perform admirably in their own suited situations.

Of course the PC version has it sorted. Everyone cares about the PC version, because it has Flare guns and custom maps. At least you guys have it sorted out, so good for you. Any worrying Engy changes I should hear of?

I guess the fact that we can twitch-aim so much better on the PC version means that the default grenade launcher is subsequently easier to aim because we can set our desired trajectory in an instant.

No you can't, you still have to aim. It's when you don't shoot in the enemy's general direction and start, y'know, HITTING them. Quite vital, that.

You should really look into getting the PC version of TF2, its SOOOO much better.

Any chance of giving me a PC that can run it? Oh, and a decent internet connection would be nice to. Danmn rural areas. (

on Jun 22, 2008

There hasn't been a single change to the Engineer class since the game's release. At least until they give him unlockables (as well as upgradable teleporters which is apparently on the cards as well).

on Jun 23, 2008
Oh, good. Upgradable teleporters sounds nice, although what you upgrade is a guess. Recharge speed? They'll have to make 'em bigger targets to offset that bonus, I think